Sunday, August 24, 2008

Never text while taking a whiz

I am writing to you with my flashy new blackberry curve. Yes, I gave up the trackwheel of the antiquated model as well as my dream of ever beating gav's high score in brickbreaker. There is absolutely no way anyone can be as good with the ball thingy versus the trackwheel which means that my top score of 18,740 will be my top score forever. So why did I have to get a new phone? Because I dropped mine in the toilet at a bar in Carpinteria. I must put out a warning to everyone that's had a drink or two not to text while using the bathroom! The one hand text is an artform that shouldn't be used while near water. Especially if Mike, the guy from the campsite next to you, won't stop buying you shots of whiskey.
Even though it was a tough wake up after the night out, the biking has been great. Stanley and I are settling into a nice groove. We did about 30 miles today along the coast. Should have been 25, but a few wrong turns and some diversions. Stan is riding in the trailer half the time and running next to the bike the other half.
The trailer gets tons of attention, as does stanley's shoes. No less then 100 people talked to me about, or commented in passing about his kicks. I need a witty one liner for when someone comments. Can anyone think of one? If so, please make your suggestion in the comments area.
Special thanks for this entry go to Raskin for overnighting the trailer, the nice people in the RV by the beach that helped me with the trailer's flat and made me a sandwich and to Carol and Steve that I shared a taco with that thought enough of my adventure to send an e-mail to the Ellen Degeneres show.

1 comment:

mendillo said...

You could remark about Stanley's OTHER shoes. Examples:

Unfortunately, Stanley left his flip-flops in Malibu.
Stanley had Birks, but he chewed them to bits.
Stanley's work boots weren't conducive to running.
Wait til Stanley breaks out his snowshoes in Tahoe!
I couldn't find roller skates small enough to fit his feet.